Heart Freedom Feels Everything

The essence of heart is emotion. Heart Freedom enables you to experience a bountiful variety and complexity of feelings. The supreme emotion is love, which by its very nature implies relationship—the lover and the beloved. In modern western culture…

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Body Freedom is Sensual Nutrition

Body Freedom means coming to your senses, all of them. Absorb right here, right now what you see, hear, smell, taste and touch. Direct sensory stimulation is nourishment for your body. It’s “sensual nutrition”, another kind of food without…

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Surrendering and Letting Go of Results

Surrendering means you dive wholeheartedly into your actions, maintaining your vision of what you want but letting go of any expectation that things will turn out the way you planned. Instead of losing some imaginary freedom, this way of…

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Control and Surrender in the Art of Love


People love to be in control, it makes them feel safe and secure. Very few are attracted to what may be perceived as its opposite—being out of control. Out of control can be scary, frustrating, even terrifying…

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