Heart Talk Ebook – PDF
We created the Heart Talk many years ago as part of our spiritual practice and have been teaching others how to use it since 1997, with great results. Couples we work with use the process to quickly and permanently fix all sorts of difficulties that have been spoiling their relationship happiness. You can do the same by following the simple instructions presented in this vBook (video eBook).
Heart Talk: a Relationship Video Ebook
Solve Your Relationship Problems
Create Lasting Emotional Intimacy
by Relationship Coaches Al Link and Pala Copeland
Use the simple, powerful Heart Talk communication process in this Ebook to solve your relationship problems and create a loving, fulfilling life together.
Almost all relationships have problems that get in the way, causing disagreements, arguing, and fighting.
“I like to sleep with the window open.
You like to sleep with the window closed.
Let’s call the whole thing off.”
Paul Simon
- How much of your time do you actually spend loving each other and having fun together?
- Are there issues that plague your relationship, spoiling your ability to live peacefully and happily together?
- Do you argue and fight about any of these things (or anything else)?
- Money
- Kids
- In-laws
- Sex
- Fidelity
- Dangerous Lifestyle Habits
- Neatness and Messiness
- Sharing the Workload
- Spending Quality Time Together
- How Decisions Are Made
Removing existing blockages is often all that’s required to move forward and go higher. Then, as you proceed in your life together, your relationship will evolve along a path filled with remarkably consistent happiness and the sublime pleasure of freely giving and receiving love.
The Heart Talk is one of our favorite tools for couples who want to take their relationship to new psychological, emotional, energetic, and spiritual levels.
A Communication Tool that Really Works!
We created the Heart Talk many years ago as part of our spiritual practice and have been teaching others how to use it since 1997, with great results. Couples we work with use the process to quickly and permanently fix all sorts of difficulties that have been spoiling their relationship happiness. You can do the same by following the simple instructions presented in this vBook (video eBook).
- 67 pages of text
- 36 minutes of embedded instructional video
- 7 video segments
- Al and Pala demonstrate exactly how to do a Heart Talk
- The Heart Talk only takes a few minutes to do; 15 minutes is a really long Heart Talk
Al says:
The Heart Talk can fix the biggest relationship problems you have, regardless of how long you have had them, how big they are, how serious they are, how impossible you might believe the solutions to be, and regardless of their detailed circumstances.
That’s a big claim to make, but it’s not an over-statement. The structure of the Heart Talk guarantees that, if you honor the process, both love and wisdom will be present.
Heart Open = Love Present
First, the person giving the Heart Talk must go to the core of their deep feelings and reveal one or both of these two things: In this situation a) I am afraid and/or b) I am hurting (or the many variations of these two emotions).
The Heart Talk is a relationship communication tool designed for couples who love each other. Therefore, when one of you gives a Heart Talk, revealing that you’re afraid or hurting, you are daring to be emotionally transparent and vulnerable and that’s what it means to have your heart open.
Also, when you hear someone you truly love tell you that in a situation involving you, they’re afraid and/or hurting, your heart will open. Both hearts are open. When hearts are open love is present.
Waiting Period + Calm Mind = Wisdom Present
Second, the listener must wait a specified period before responding. This allows the mind and emotions to calm down.
Most people are either feelers (primarily engaging the world through emotions and feelings), or thinkers (primarily engaging the world through ideas, logic, and rationality). If the listener is primarily a thinker, (s)he cannot offer an immediate rational solution that is devoid of feelings. If the listener is primarily a feeler, (s)he cannot respond with a quick over-emotional reaction that distorts reality.
With the mind and emotions calm, wisdom comes in. Therefore both love and wisdom are present.
Love and wisdom together can solve any problem.